For Sale
1992 GulfStream SunVoyager Motor Home.
66,172 Miles, not even enough to break in a Cummins.
6 Cylinder Cummins Engine.
Allison Automatic Transmission.
The engine and transmission work fine.
Spartan Chasis, 5.5 Genrac propane generator.
The reason that I'm selling it for a few thousand dollars under market value is because their are a few problems.
1. When I moved from my farm to the big city of Marion Oaks I left it at the farm and subsequently I didn't check it as regularly as usual and the rubber roof cracked and started leaking. I did get the leaked stopped with some acrylic stuff that I got from Lowes. But before I got the leak stopped their was a small amount of damage the cupboards and molding.
2. The refrigerator doesn't get very cold.
3. The furnace doesn't work properly.